

Medical |

Corrine Ward Physiotherapist

The physiotherapy aspect of this course offers expert broad foundation knowledge in anatomy, physiology, mechanics of movement and effects of age and injury. We aim to build on the physiological impact of Stretchworks not only on the musculoskeletal system, but how it influences at a cellular and neurological level – to illustrate impact on stress hormone release, and the primitive areas of the central nervous system governing emotion. It will illustrate the link between physical and emotional where Stretchworks offers a unique holistic approach to clients unlike other traditional fitness regimes.

Therapy |

Michael Appleton Psychotherapist

Rather than flowing from a single concept, Stretchworks is influenced by a number of different traditions including mindfulness, body work and the psychology of physical exercise, all of which have made a comeback into mainstream psychotherapy in recent times. Psychotherapy, traditionally a talking therapy is taking a greater interest in holistic theory, and looking beyond the mind at the body and spirit as receptacles of psychic stress. Human beings may have a primitive propensity for healing and regeneration that pre-exists language. Alison Evans has integrated her own experience from dance, sports therapy and physiotherapy to pace certain body movements, set their rhythm and timing in a way that seems to bring generative contact between mind and body. Individuals breathe more deeply, their heart rate slows, the mind stills. As mindfulness becomes widely recognised in the therapy movement, there is interest in strategies that ‘anchor’ people into the present moment. In the present moment – it is harder to focus on past shame, or future worries. Each take a toll on the emotional system. Stretchworks has a secondary therapeutic component, one which could help with anxiety, stress and even trauma. The therapeutic aspects will be broken down, developed and put into context as part of the training protocol.