Due to overwhelming demand Alison Evans finally released her first General Level Stretchworks DVD. The benefits of stretching are unlimited but often regarded as something you do either before or after a workout or as part of a rehabilitative programme for injuries. Stretchworks introduces the concept that Stretching can be a thorough workout in its own right enabling you to find your own optimum fitness at your own pace and in your own way. This 35 minute and 10 minute workouts are designed for any age, any ability and at any level so the viewer can really engage with the individual pupils (14 years – 70years) and see how they can adapt the work to suit their own needs and ability
These controlled stretching and strengthening exercises are devised to flow one into the other enabling you to achieve the long-term benefits of good posture, balance, flexibility and strength. Stretchworks not only enables you to find your own optimum fitness but also supports and encourages a more productive and healthier lifestyle both physically and emotionally.